Newsletter - January 2017
Valentine's Day!
YES, that special day is coming soon. If you are conscious about your breath, please read on. It might help you ease your worries.
Bad breath can be caused by eating certain food like onions, garlic, and spices. Poor dental hygiene or infection in your mouth or teeth can lead to this problem as well. What you should do is brush your teeth, your tongue (yes, you could also use a tongue cleaner), floss and rinse with an American Dental Association-approved mouth rinse such as Chlorhexidine. See your dentist to get rid of the infection. If you are not at home, chew a piece of sugar free gum, use a breath spray, or eat a breath mint.
If you've done all of the above and still can not get rid of your bad breath, then you might deal with some underlying medical condition. Please give us a call at 817-466-9972 for your appointment. Let's work our a solution so Valentine's Day or any day of the year will be bad breath free and as lovely as you.
Have a great day!